Really, Really Me
The Really Really Me service is based entirely on customer care, on guiding clients gently through the process of choosing a hairpiece. We are acutely aware that very often our clients are feeling vulnerable and in some instances might be undergoing medical treatment. A Really Really Me consultation is about listening to your requirements and giving you the information you need to make an informed choice, looking at whether we can provide what’s right for you – what makes you feel comfortable and confident. There is no pressure to buy at any time. Our experience in Hairdressing gives us the best possible advantage in advising you.

We recommend clients make an appointment as this will ensure enough time for the consultation process. Our hours of opening are 10am until 5pm Monday to Saturday, however we can see clients out of hours by appointment as well. We can arrange a consultation in total privacy if required and we encourage clients to bring along a family member or friend during consultations.

We welcome your interest in the service we offer, and look forward to your enquiry. Please do not hesitate to call in to the salon, telephone or email us for any further information.